Kidney Care
Your kidneys remove waste from your blood and help manage your blood pressure, the production of red blood cells and the amount of certain minerals in your body fluids. Damage to your kidneys can cause waste to build up in your body and make you sick. When you need medical care for these two bean-shaped organs in your abdomen, turn to kidney specialists – called nephrologists – at Tidelands Health.
Conditions We Treat
At Tidelands Health, get a diagnosis and treatment for many kidney disorders, including:
Care for Your Kidneys
Find help for your kidneys when you take advantage of Tidelands Health services such as:
- Blood pressure and diabetes management assistance – Helps reduce your risk of kidney disease
- Lithotripsy – Uses sound waves to break up kidney stones
- Dialysis – Removes waste from your blood when your kidneys can’t fully do the job
Palliative Care
Kidney disease can make daily life challenging, so palliative care gives you and your family support. Compassionate medical professionals partner with your nephrologist to help you manage pain and other symptoms. Ask about psychological and spiritual guidance to assist you in coping with your illness and improving your quality of life. You can receive palliative care at any stage of kidney disease, even as you get medical treatment to slow the condition’s progression.